The Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire: A useful index of behaviour problems in elementary school-age children?

We examined the validity of Behar and Stringfield''s Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire (PBQ) with young, elementary school age children. In Study 1, the PBQ was administered to 157 grade one children. A factor analysis was performed on the 30 items of the PBQ. The three factors that emerged were almost identical to those described by Behar and Stringfield (hostility/aggression, anxiety/fearfulness, and hyperactivity/distractibility) in their original investigation. In Study 2, the three grade one PBQ factors were correlated with children''s scores on a social problem-solving test and on a sociometric rating scale. Furthermore, free play observations were related with the PBQ factor scores. These Pearson product-moment correlations revealed that the PBQ factors correlated significantly with conceptually appropriate behaviours and social skills. For example, children rates as aggressive were less popular among peers, more aggressive in their play, and more likely to suggest inappropriate solutions to hypothetical social dilemmas.