Germination and Emergence of Little Barley (Hordeum pusillum)

Little barley (Hordeum pusillum Nutt.) seeds germinated readily without pregermination chilling on substrates moistened with either water or 0.2% aqueous KNO3. Little barley seeds were physiologically mature and viable as early as 11 days after flowering. Pregermination chilling induced dormancy in mature seeds moistened with water, but not those moistened with 0.2% KNO3. Mature seeds frequently germinated better at alternating temperatures from 20C (16 h) to 30C (8 h) than at constant 20C. Germination of seeds after 1 week in a thermogradient table varied from 1% at 34C to 77% at 21C. Seeds were able to germinate over an extended period in the fall and spring. Forage and seed production were highest from the first fall planting date and decreased with later plantings. Plants emerging from seeds planted in March and April did not produce seed.