Analysis of characteristic temperatures in high-Tcsystems

Using a self-consistent diagrammatic theory of the one-band Hubbard model, we find that three characteristic temperatures T*, Tc*, and Tc may characterize the behavior of high-Tc superconductors. The temperature T* defines the onset of a pseudogap in the density of states and of anomalous normal-state behavior. At Tc* local mean-field-like Cooper-pair formation begins with Tc*<T*. Due to phase fluctuations of the order parameter, global spin-fluctuation-induced dx2y2-wave superconductivity occurs only at Tc below Tc*. The suppression of Tc*Tc is strong for underdoped systems yielding an optimal doping where Tc is largest. The doping dependence of the penetration depth and the influence of Cooper pairing and antiferromagnetic short-range correlations on photoemission experiments are discussed.