The influence of guar-gum bread on the regulation of diabetes mellitus type II in elderly patients

1. The effect of a high-fibre bread mixed with guar-gum (75 g/kg flour) on serum glucose, connecting peptide (C-peptide), haemoglobin A1 (HbAI), high-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol) and triglycerides was examined in fourteen elderly patients with diabetes mellitus type II.2. The mean daily consumption of guar gum was 8.1 g. Gastrointestinal disorders were not observed.3. Consumption of guar-gum bread resulted in a significant decrease in C-peptide values on the 1st day and blood glucose values after 3 weeks (both measured 90 min after breakfast). C-peptide values remained low, while an unaccountable ‘rebound’ phenomenon was seen in the blood glucose values 90 min after breakfast at the end of the study.4. No significant change was seen in respect to HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. However, a small significant increase in HbAl was noted.