A new view on cutaneous dendritic cell subsets in experimental leishmaniasis

Because of their anatomical distribution epidermal Langerhans cells (LCs) are discussed to be crucial for antigen uptake and subsequent presentation to naïve T cells in skin-draining lymph nodes. The use of LC-specific markers like Langerin or knock-in mice expressing green fluorescent protein under the control of the Langerin promotor now facilitates the dissection of LCs from other dendritic cell (DC) subsets. Surprisingly, current data indicate that LCs are not generally involved in the induction of cellular immune responses. Moreover, the widely accepted paradigm postulating that LCs in principle act as T cell activators is contested by recent publications. Consequently, the biological role of LCs, in particular in cutaneous immune responses, needs to be revisited. The experimental model of leishmaniasis represents a suitable model to study the origin of an antigen-specific T cell response in mice. With this model the transport and presentation of skin derived Leishmania (L.) major antigens can be monitored in vivo. Furthermore, the quality of T cell-DC interactions can be determined. Considering recent progress in LC research we propose a novel concept of LCs in T cell meditated immunity against L. major parasites.