The Concepts of the Ventral Striatopallidal System and Extended Amygdala

The concepts of the ventral striatopallidal system and extended amygdala have significantly improved our understanding of basal forebrain organization. As a result of these and other advances during the last twenty years, many of the most prominent basal forebrain structures, including the nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, and amygdaloid body, have all but lost their relevance as independent functional anatomical units. In order to appreciate the distinct differences that exist between the ventral striatopallidal system and the extended amygdala, and as a way of explaining the choice of the terms ventral striatopallidal system and extended amygdala, we will review the discovery and subsequent elaboration of these two systems. On the background of these discussions, we will then proceed to dispel some recently published misgivings regarding the usefulness of the extended amygdaloid concept.