All vitamins are "critical" by definition for the growing infant. However, some of them are particularly relevant to the preterm or low birthweight (LBW) infant in whom a deficiency can occur more frequently than in a full-term newborn. In LBW infants vitamin deficiency may develop due to (1) low body stores at birth, (2) low intake, (3) limited absorption, (4) increased need or utilization, (5) presence of certain clinical conditions. The first reason concerns all lipid-soluble vitamins, and particularly vitamin E and K, which cross the placenta with some difficulty. Among hydrosoluble vitamins, cord-blood levels of vitamin B6 have been shown to be abnormally low in preterm infants. Low intake can occur because of low vitamin levels in milk or because of delayed and/or insufficient feeding. Limited intestinal absorption of vitamins in LBW infants has only been demonstrated for vitamin E and folic acid. The rapid post-natal growth may lead to increased vitamin utilization. In some clinical conditions particularly high intakes of certain vitamins are indicated. In our opinion, the really "critical" vitamins in LBW infants are vitamin D, E, K and folic acid, for which routine supplementation can be recommended, and possibly vitamins C and B6 under special circumstances.