Optical, Electrical and Electrochemical Characterization of The Doped Polydithienothiophene

Electrochemical preparation has been recently shown to be a suitable method for obtaining a certain number of conducting heterocyclic aromatic polymers such as polypyrrole and polythienylene. The most attractive characteristic of the electrochemical approach is that the doping is simultaneous with the polymer preparation. We describe the electrochemical synthesis, electrical and optical properties of a new doped polymer, poly DTT polydithieno (3,2-b;2′,3′-d) thiophene) shown in Figure 1, which because of the large delocalized Π electron orbitals and the intrinsic planarity of the monomer tend to favour the conjugation of the Π electron by reducing the rotational disorder along the polymer backbone. The electrochemical rediiction to the undoped state has been also investigated.

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