Voltage-current curves for the isolated midgut of the tobacco hornworm were determined by transient and steady voltage clamping over the range of 200 to −200 mV. Over this range the transient method yields a linear relation while the steady method usually yields a curve consisting of two lines of differing slope which intersect at zero voltage. The difference between the results of the methods is due to a slow decline in total conductance which accompanies steady voltage clamping. Holding the midgut at short circuit increases the total conductance of the tissue in a manner consistent with increasing shunt conductance; this effect was seen in both diet-reared and leaf-reared animals. When potassium transport is inhibited by substitution of choline or sodium for potassium in bathing solution the total conductance decreases and the voltage-current curve intersects the normal curve in the hyperpolarizing region. Applying a simple equivalent circuit analysis to the results from partial or total potassium replacement suggests that the electromotive force of the potassium transport system is of the order of 140–190 mV. The conductance decrease during inhibition of potassium transport by transient anoxia is of similar magnitude, suggesting that a major effect of metabolic inhibition is to decrease the active conductance of the potassium transport pathway.