Summary In Chlamydomonas reinhardi, the arg-7 cistron is the structural gene for the enzyme argininosuccinate lyase which catalyzes the last reaction in the biosynthesis of arginine. Fourteen mutants (nine previously analyzed and five new mutants) defective in the lyase have been investigated so far: they all map within a cistron (length: 1.0–1.6 recombination units) of the linkage group I and fall within six groups of complementation. The enzyme activity found in the diploids formed by intragenic complementation was always lower than in wild-type haploid or diploid strains. The study of the denaturation curves obtained by heat treatment of the lyase indicates that in some diploids, several enzyme varieties can be present. These results and those previously obtained with diploids formed by intragenic and intergenic complementation (Matagne and Loppes, 1972; Matagne, 1976) are discussed in relation to the recent data showing that the argininosuccinate lyase is a multimeric enzyme probably composed of five identical polypeptide chains (Matagne and Schlösser, 1977)