The Factor Structure of SCL-90 and MCMI Scale Scores: Within-Measure and Interbattery Analyses

This article reports scale-level factor analyses for two widely used self-report measures of psychopathology - the Symptom Checklist-90-R (Derogatis, 1983) and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (Millon, 1983) - and compares the obtained factor structures with findings reported in the literature to determine whether each instrument possesses a reliable, meaningful dimensional structure underlying its scale scores. The sample was a heterogeneous group of psychiatric inpatients and outpatients (N = 130). The SCL-90 scale scores formed two highly correlated factors (anxious depression andparanoid thinking), although the scale intercorrelations could be adequately accounted for by a single factor (as in previous reports). The MCMI scale scores formed three factors (anxiousdepression and emotionality, paranoid and manic thinking, and schizoid thinking), of which the first and second were also highly intercorrelated. Supplementary analyses indicated that to a considerable degree the MCMI factor invariance...

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