Endometrial phospholipases A2, polycystic ovaries and pelvic pain

Objective To compare the activity of calcium independent phospholipase A2 in the endometrium of women with polycystic ovaries and in women with normal ovaries, and to investigate the influence of chronic pelvic pain on phospholipase A2 activity.Design A prospective descriptive study.Setting The Samaritan Hospital for Women and the Unit of Metabolic Medicine, St Mary's Hospital Medical School, London.Subjects 73 women attending the Samaritan Hospital for Women for clip sterilization, infertility, early recurrent miscarriage or pelvic venous congestion. 45 of these women had no pelvic pain, 22 had normal ovaries and 23 had polycystic ovaries diagnosed by ultrasound. The other 28 women had chronic pelvic pain, 14 of them had normal ovaries and 14 polycystic ovaries.Interventions Endometrial tissue was obtained at curettage or from the excised uterus in the proliferative or secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. The activities of calcium dependent (type 1) and calcium independent (type 2) phospholipase A2 isoenzymes were measured in all endometrial samples.Results In all the women phospholipase A2 type 1 activity, was significantly higher in the secretory phase than in the proliferative phase (P > 0.001). There was no difference between women with normal ovaries and those with polycystic ovaries at either stage of the cycle irrespective of whether or not chronic pelvic venous congestion was present. In women with normal ovaries, both with and without chronic pelvic pain, phospholipase A2 type 2 activity was significantly higher in the secretory phase than in the proliferative phase (P > 0.02 and P > 0.05 respectively) but in women with polycystic ovaries, with and without chronic pelvic pain, there was no significant differene in activity between the two phases of the cycle. Women with polycystic ovaries had markedly higher proliferative phase type 2 activity than women with normal ovaries (P > 0.001). Secretory phase type 2 activity was similar in all the women investigated.Conclusion These data suggest that phospholipase A, type 2 activity is increased in proliferative phase endometrium of women with polycystic ovaries but that the increase is not associated with chronic pelvic venous congestion.