Environmental controls of NDVI dynamics in Patagonia based on NOAA‐AVHRR satellite data

Variation in vegetation in extra‐Andean Patagonia (Argentina) was analyzed using spectral data derived from AVHRR/NOAA satellite. The study of seasonal dynamics of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI, i.e. a combined index of the reflection in the red and infrared bands) highlighted similarities in functional aspects between regional vegetation units which are dissimilar in a geographical, physiognomical and/or floristical way, and also suggested that gross primary production is correlated with mean annual rainfall.The first axis in a Principal Component Analysis of NDVI data was correlated (r2 = 0.90) with NDVI as integrated for the study period. The second axis was correlated (r2 = 0.50) with the differences in NDVI during the growing season, reflecting seasonality. Mean annual rainfall accounted for 60% of integrated NDVI variability among vegetation units. Much of the residual variance (62%) was accounted for by the inverse of the distance to the Atlantic Ocean, which is interpreted as an ocean effect on vegetation functioning in the extra‐Andean Patagonia.