Relative Contributions of Zeaxanthin-Related and Zeaxanthin-Unrelated Types of `High-Energy-State' Quenching of Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Spinach Leaves Exposed to Various Environmental Conditions

We have identified two rapidly relaxing components of non-photochemical fluorescence quenching which suggests that dissipative processes occur in two different sites in the photochemical system of leaves. Under a variety of treatment conditions involving different leaf temperatures, photon flux densities (PFD), exposure times, and in the presence of 5% CO2 or 2% O2, no CO2, the components of nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching were characterized with respect to their sensitivity to dithiothreitol (DTT, which completely inhibits zeaxanthin formation), the effect on instantaneous fluorescence, and the rapidity of relaxation upon darkening. Under most circumstances the DTT-sensitive component (associated with a quenching of instantaneous fluorescence and correlated with zeaxanthin) represented the majority of the rapidly relaxing portion of fluorescence quenching. A DTT-insensitive (zeaxanthin-independent) component, which also relaxed rapidly upon darkening but was not associated with a quenching of instantaneous fluorescence, became proportionally greater in an atmosphere of 2% O2 and no CO2, at elevated leaf temperatures, and to some degree during the induction of photosynthesis (1 minute after the onset of illumination). A third component which was also DTT-insensitive and was sustained upon darkening, was largely suppressed in 2% O2, O% CO2. We conclude that, under conditions favorable for photosynthesis, energy dissipation occurred mainly in the chlorophyll antennae whereas, under conditions less favorable for photosynthesis, a second dissipation process, probably in or around the reaction center of photosystem II, also developed. Furthermore, evidence is presented that the zeaxanthin-associated dissipation process prevents sustained inactivation of photochemistry by excessive light.