Personal Models of Diabetes Among Older Adults: Relationship to Self-Management and Other Variables

The purpose of this study was to test whether older patients' personal models of diabetes predict their levels of self-management activities (dietary intake, physical activity, and blood glucose testing) and glycemic control. The Personal Models of Diabetes Interview (PMDI) was administered on two occasions to 78 patients (≥60 years) with non- insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Self-management behaviors, quality of life, and affect were assessed on the second occasion and at 4 months. Glycemic control was assessed at 4 months. Three constructs of the PMDI (cause, treatment effectiveness, and seriousness) were correlated significantly with several aspects of quality of life and with negative affect. Personal models, especially beliefs regarding treatment effectiveness, were predictive of dietary intake and physical activity but not blood glucose testing. Assessing patients' personal models is valuable for individualizing education and counseling for nutrition and physical activity, and selecting strategies consistent with patients' perspectives.