ALTHOUGH the sensory terminations of the cochlear nerve have been well known since the outstanding research of Retzius, Ramón y Cajal, and, more recently, Lorente de Nó, other systems of fibers in the auditory apparatus are far from being perfectly understood. Yet it is a problem which at present occupies many researchers, for the morphological descriptions that proceed from its investigation will result in the understanding of many points, still obscure, in the auditory physiology. For instance, in a recent article (1952), Bocca3 states the opinion that the spiral bundles of Corti's ganglion are composed essentially of sensory fibers whose function is to catch the spatial quality of sounds (Kobrak10) and admits, with other authors, the possibility of a double sensory innervation to which radial (ordinary sensation) and spiral (spatial quality of sound) fibers should correspond. Moreover, we stated in 195120 that the spiral bundles of Corti's