Adrenocortical 11β-Hydroxylase Deficiency and Virilism First Manifest in the Adult Woman

THIS report is concerned with the delineation and biochemical demonstration of a clinical syndrome first manifest in the adult woman and resulting from an 11β-hydroxylase deficiency in the adrenal cortex.Experimental ProcedureDetermination of Urinary SteroidsThe urinary excretion of the neutral 17-ketosteroids has been measured by a modification of the method of Drekter and Heisler1 and of the 17-hydroxycorticoids by the Peterson modification2 of the method of Silber and Porter.3 The partition of the glucocorticoids and of the neutral 17-ketosteroids was carried out by methods previously described.4 , 5 Pregnanetriol was assayed by the method of Bongiovanni and Eberlein.6 For the . . .