Tissue-specific esterases in the xiphophorine fish Platypoecilus maculatus, Xiphophorus helleri, and their hybrid

Tissue-specific esterases of the xiphophorine fishes Platypoecilus maculatus (platyfish), Xiphophorus helleri (swordtail), and their F1 hybrid have been analyzed using disc electrophoresis. Seven esterase zones (resolved into a maximum of nine bands) exist in these fishes, and these have been classified by employing specific inhibitors. Five of the seven zones, EST-1, EST-2, EST-5, EST-6, and EST-7, appeared to be carboxylesterases; while the two remaining zones, EST-3 and EST-4, were classified as cholinesterases. In the liver of the platyfish, all seven esterase zones were detected, while the liver of the swordtail exhibited only five esterase zones. EST-1 and EST-3 were lacking in the liver tissue of the swordtail. All seven esterase loci were expressed in the liver tissue of the F1 hybrid. The reciprocal crosses gave the same results. In the fin, skin, skeletal muscle, and eye tissues from all three genotypes, three major esterase zones, EST-2, EST-5, and EST-7, were detected. In addition, EST-1 was frequently detected in all these tissues of the platyfish and the F1, but was lacking in the swordtail. Serum from three genotypes showed one prominent esterase zone, EST-5; however, trace activity of EST-2 and EST-7 zones could also be detected. It seems that in all tissues of the F1 hybrid there is expression of all the esterase genes from the platyfish. The results of the present study are discussed in comparison to those from other studies on teleost esterases.