Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) of Early Gastric Cancer

We conducted this study to clarify the effectiveness of aspiration endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) using a cap‐fitted scope for early gastric cancer in the C and M regions of the stomach. EMR was performed in 111 early gastric cancer patients with 123 lesions in the C and M regions. The patients were divided into three groups. The EMR‐1CS group consisted of patients who had undergone EMR with a one‐channeled scope, the EMR‐2CS group those who had received EMR in which a two‐channeled scope was utilized. The EMRC group consisted of patients who had undergone aspiration EMR with a cap‐fitted scope.The rate of complete resection improved to a statistically significant degree in the EMRC group in comparison with that in the EMR‐1CS group. In type lie, a statistically significant improvement was achieved in the EMRC group in comparison with the EMR‐2CS group. In the M region or in lesions 10 mm or less in diameter, the rate of complete resection improved in the EMRC group as compared with that in the EMR‐2CS group. Our results suggest that EMRC is useful for lesions of early gastric cancer in the C and M regions.