In 700 consecutive male patients in whom gonococci were demonstrated by culture between December 1964 and July 1966, all strains were found sensitive to chloramphenicol according to the paper disk method. In 200 cultures in which the plate-dilution method was employed in addition the sensitivity varied between 0.25 and 4 [mu]gm/ml. Seventeen of 200 (8.5%) of male patients treated with a single oral dose of 1 g chloramphenicol relapsed. There were only 9 failures (1.8%) in 500 male patients who received a single intramuscular injection of 600,000 units of procaine penicillin and at the same time a single oral dose of 1 g of chloramphenicol. The efficacy of the combined treatment is far better than that of the same doses of the 2 drugs given separately.