The Premise Condition Index: A Tool for Streamlining Surveys of Aedes aegypti

Premise inspections and treatment of the larval habitats of container-breeding Aedes aegypti are extremely labor intensive. Since this means of control is the only one available in relation to dengue fever, this report presents an effective approach for streamlining premise surveys in north Queensland, Australia. From a survey of 877 premises in Townsville, Charters Towers, and Mingela/Ravenswood in 1990, occupier and premise variables were collected to examine any relationships with the presence of Ae. aegypti. Statistical modeling of these parameters using multiple and simple Poisson regression indicated that for both adjusted and unadjusted models respectively, the degree of shade and tidiness of the yard had strong correlations with both the proportion of positive premises and the numbers of infested containers therein. Condition of the house was also a significant variable in the unadjusted model. On this basis, the Premise Condition Index is proposed as a rapid assessment tool that can increase efficiency of detecting positive premises and containers by 270–370%. Although habitat selection by Aedes varies throughout the world, this approach could be used as a model for control of vectors of both dengue and yellow fever.

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