Assessments of soil nitrogen (N) availability were undertaken using soils sampled at 0-10 and 10-20 cm depths from 123 experimental sites where the responses of cereal crops to N fertilisers were tested, throughout the cereal zone of South Australia. Rates of N mineralisation and percentage N mineralisation, as determined by a laboratory aerobic incubation method, were related to soil properties. Mineralisable N (N mineralised during a Li-week incubation) of 0-10 cm soil varied from 14 to 121 kg N/ha with a median of 50 kg N/ha, and that of 10-20 cm soil, from 5 to 42 kg N/ha (median 19 kg N/ha). Mineralisable N in 0-10 cm soil accounted for 90% of total mineralisable N in 0-20 cm soil. The percentages of N mineralised were generally higher in 0-10 cm soil (0.8-12.5%, median 3.4%) than in 10-20 cm soil (0.4-8.3%, median 2.3%). Soil organic carbon (OC) and total N could be well estimated from each other, and fron! soil pH, bulk density, and held capacity, with coefficients of determination (R2) ranging from 0.64 to 0.78. Overall, either mineralisable N or percentage N mineralisation rate in the surface soils could be well estimated from soil OC, total N, C to N ratio, bulk density, field capacity, and pH (R2, 0.78-0.86 for mineralisable N, and 0.67-0.91 for percentage N mineralisation rate).