1 Neuromuscular blocking agents have been shown to be powerful inhibitors of choline transport in human erythrocytes. Ganglionic blocking agents were weaker inhibitors. 2 The affinity of the choline transport site for alkyltrimethylammonium compounds was considerably higher than its affinity for alkyl-bis-(trimethylammonium) compounds of similar chain length. The affinity increases with increasing length of the alkyl chain in both series. 3 Tetramethylammonium (TMA), ethyl- and propyltrimethylammonium appear to enter the cells on the choline carrier while the larger monoquaternary compounds, and the bisquaternary compounds, bind to the carrier but are unable to cross the cell membrane. 4 Radioactively labelled carbachol, acetylcholine and decamethonium do not enter the cells on the choline carrier. 5 Choline transport in erythrocytes from patients with myasthenia gravis is normal, suggesting that this disorder is not associated with a generalized defect of choline transport.