A Comparison of the Diagnostic Value of Adenoviral Complement-fixing Antigens Prepared from Various Immunotypes

Complement-fixing (CF) antigens prepared from immunotypes of adenoviruses 1 to 7 were compared for sensitivity in the serodiagnosis of adenoviral infections in infants, children, and young adults. There was great diversity in CF antibody responses of the pediatric patients to antigens of the various immunotypes; however, approximately 80% had significant CF antibody responses to at least one immunotype. In all of the young adults CF titers increased in response to the infecting virus and most heterotypes. In the pediatric group, adenovirus type 6 antigen was the most sensitive for serodiagnosis, demonstrating significant antibody increases in 61% of the patients; adenovirus type 4 antigen was the least sensitive, detecting significant rises in titer in only 44%. Adenovirus type 3 and adenovirus type 7 antigens were the most sensitive for serodiagnosis in the young adult patients. The pair of antigens to adenovirus types 3 and 5 was the most sensitive overall, giving positive serodiagnoses for 75% of the pediatric patients and 100% of the young adults.