We study superfluid He4 near Tλ in a homogeneous metastable state where a finite superfluid velocity vs is present. Neglecting vortices we perform a renormalization-group calculation of the superfluid current Js(vs) and determine the critical velocity vsc(T) at which the superfluid state becomes unstable. We apply this result to the situation where the superfluid velocity is induced by a finite heat current Q. A critical heat current Qc(T) corresponding to vsc(T) is found which implies a transition temperature Tλ(Q)=Tλ[1-A0 Qx] that is lower than Tλ. We determine the exact exponent x=[(d-1)ν]1≊0.744 in d=3 dimensions and calculate A0 in one-loop order. Our results for A0 and x are compared with recent experimental data on the depression Tλ-Tλ(Q) of the superfluid transition temperature.