Treatment Failure in Otitis-prone Children with Prophylactic Tympanostomy Tubes Is Correlated with NasopharyngealHaemophilus influenzaeColonization

Tympanostomy tubes are used to prevent recurrent otitis media among otitis-prone children. However, not all children benefit from this treatment. In the present study 28 children (19 boys, 9 girls) were given bilateral tympanostomy tubes at age 9-22 months (mean 14 months). They were observed 6 months before and after tube insertion. The treatment was considered successful for 20 children. Among these, 16 completely lacked or had one episode of middle ear discharge and 4 had otorrhea on two occasions. A total of 8 children suffered from three or more episodes of otorrhea and were considered as treatment failures. In the failure group, the nasopharyngeal average carrier rate of H. influenzae 6 months before and after tube insertion was 64% vs. 29% in the group responding well to the treatment (p less than 0.001). Nonencapsulated forms of H. influenzae were in a great majority. In the failure group 7 out of 8 presented middle ear discharge as soon as within 2 weeks after tube insertion whereas this occurred in only 3 out of 20 in the responding group. IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 antibody response to pneumococcal polysaccharide (6A, 19F) were equally distributed in the two groups. The present data suggest that one reason for an unsatisfactory response to treatment with prophylactic tympanostomy tubes is nasopharyngeal colonization and subsequent middle ear infections caused by H. influenzae.