Preoperative Diagnosis of Ovarian Tumors with MR Imaging

OBJECTIVE. Our study evaluated the diagnostic performance of MR imaging compared with that of transvaginal sonography and positron emission tomography (PET) in patients with clinically asymptomatic adnexal findings. An additional goal was to determine whether the combination of the three methods enhanced their diagnostic accuracy.SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Included in the study were 103 women with suspicious adnexal findings on sonography. Patients underwent transvaginal sonography, MR imaging, and PET within 3 weeks of the initial sonography. For MR imaging, axial and sagittal T1-weighted gradient-echo sequences (unenhanced and enhanced) and T2-weighted turbo-spin-echo sequences were acquired. Transvaginal sonography was performed with a 7.5-MHz transducer head. For PET, a modern full-ring scanner was used. The results of diagnostic imaging techniques were first evaluated separately, and reviewers were blinded to the results of other methods. Finally, a second session resulted in a consensus diagnosis based o...