Human skeletal muscle myosin light chains analyzed by immobilized pH gradients during ontogenesis: Identification of new phosphorylatable isoforms of light chain 2

Previous studies using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis have described adult and fetal isoforms of skeletal muscle myosin light chains (MLC). They have also revealed an embryo-specific light chain (LC1emb), apparently absent in most adult skeletal muscles. In order to characterize more thoroughly the MLC family, we have analyzed the MLCs from human skeletal muscle at different developmental stages using a two-dimensional electrophoresis technique with an immobilized pH gradient in the first dimension. The high resolution of this novel technique, resolving components which in isoelectric points are ≤ 0.01 pH, combined with sensitive silver staining, has allowed us to identify four phosphorylatable isoforms of MLC2: two slow-myosin light chains (MLC2Sa and b), two fast myosin light chains (MLC2:a and b), and their phosphorylated counterparts: MLC2SaP and bP, MLC2FaP and bP. The following major modifications during development were observed: (i) The embryonic LC (LC1 emb) persists up to at least 26 weeks of fetal life. (ii) The polymorphism of LC2 is already evident at 10 weeks of development but only the nonphosphorylated forms of LC2S and LC2F seem to be present. The LC2Fa form is predominant. As early as 26 weeks of fetal life, the 4 phosphorylated forms are detected. In the adult, LC2Fb is a minor component. (iii) LC3F (fast) is already expressed at an early embryonic stage (10 weeks).