This is a report on a program to sample the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hbn.), with the object of obtaining reliable statistics for life tables (see e.g. Morris, 1955; LeRoux and Reimer, 1959). Basic studies on factors determining abundance of the European corn borer are few, some of the most notable having been carried out by Barber (1926), Huber et al. (1928), Thompson and Parker (1928), Stirrett (1938), Vance (1943), Baker et al. (1949), Bigger and Petty (1953), Everett et al. (1958) and Chiang and Hodson (1959). None of these studies was a thorough study of mortality factors in development of the European corn borer from endemic to epidemic levels. A number of specific factors known to be important in the epidemiology of this species have been investigated by Arbuthnot (1949), Neiswander (1952), Goleman (1954), Chiang and Holdaway (1955), and Chiang (1959), and the application of biometric techniques to the sampling of corn borer populations has been studied by Beard (1943), McGuire (1954), and Bankcroft and Brindley (1956). None of the latter authors have, however, investigated sampling techniques relating to the development of life tables for this species.