Essential Role of Hypophysis in Hypercorticism and Hyperovarianism in DBA x CE and Reciprocal Mice.

The weights of the adrenals, ovaries, uteri and hypophyses of 6- to 9-month-old DBA x CE and reciprocal hybrid mice were measured in intact virgins, neonatal castrates, mice hypophysectomized at weaning, and hypophysectomized castrates. There was a marked reduction in the size of the adrenals, ovaries and uteri of the hypophysectomized intact animals and of the adrenals and uteri of the hypophysectomized castrates. At 6-9 months of age intact mice of these hybrid strains exhibit spontaneous enlargement of the ovaries and hyperplasia of the reproductive tract, and animals ovariectomized neonatally exhibit hyperplasia of the adrenals and hormonal stimulation of the reproductive tract.