Inverted terminal repeats in rabbit poxvirus and vaccinia virus DNA

In both rabbit poxvirus and vaccinia virus DNA, several restriction enzymes cleave and fragments of equal length from both termini, thus suggesting the presence of inverted terminal repeats. This was confirmed by a detailed analysis of these ends with the restriction endonucleases HindII, Hap II and HinfI. The length of the terminal repeats was 3.4-3.6 Mdaltons for rabbit poxvirus DNA and 7.4-8.0 Mdaltons for vaccinia virus DNA. Maps of the HindfI restriction sites within isolated EcoRI end fragments of rabbit poxvirus and vaccinia virus DNA have demonstrated an identical distribution of 8 HinfI sites in an internal part (approximately 2 Mdaltons) of the EcoRI end fragments of the 2 genomes.