A New Low-Incidence Antigen in the Kell Blood Group System: VLAN (KEL25)

A multilaboratory investigation has identified a new low‐incidence antigen ‘VLAN’ on the red cells of a blood donor. The VLAN antigen is destroyed by 2‐aminoethylisothiouronium bromide treatment of the donor's red cells suggesting an association with the Kell system. Monoclonal antibody‐specific immobilization of erythrocyte antigen analysis with anti‐VLAN and with several mouse monoclonal antibodies directed at epitopes on the Kell glycoprotein gave positive results, indicating that the VLAN antigen is located on the Kell glycoprotein. The VLAN red blood cells have the common Kell phenotype: KEL:–1,2,–3,4,5,–6,7,–10,11,12,13,14,–17,18,19,–21,22,–23,–24. Additional serologic data indicate that the VLAN antigen is not part of any other ISBT blood group system, collection or series. A family study showed that the VLAN antigen is inherited since the red cells of two sisters and one niece of the propositus are also VLAN+. The ISBT Working Party on Terminology for Red Cell Surface Antigens has assigned VLAN to the Kell blood group system as KEL25 (number for computer listings 006025).