THE APPEARANCE of urticarial wheals following exposure to cold is relatively common. Cooke1 mentioned the case of Pepys, who suffered an attack of urticaria while walking in the park on a cold day in February 1663. Bourdon2 in 1866 described urticaria and syncope due to cold, and in the same year Behier2 described his own urticaria following exposure to cold. In an exhaustive study in 1936, Horton, Brown and Roth3 were able to find 76 cases in the literature in which hypersensitiveness to cold was described. Jadassohn and Schaaf4 reported the cases of a brother and a sister in whom wheals developed following exposure to cold. These urticarial lesions were chiefly confined to the hands and face. Kobacker and Parkhurst5 reported 3 sisters, in 1934, who had measles simultaneously. Shortly after their recovery it was noticed that these children would experience localized urticarial wheals