Recently Walter Freudenthal1investigated the subject of "verruca senilis and keratoma senile" and published two articles on these conditions. From our study we have gained the impression that Freudenthal's designation of "verruca senilis" corresponds to what we call keratosis seborrheica, and his "keratoma senile" corresponds to our keratosis senilis. In agreement with Freudenthal we have found that these are two distinct clinical conditions, entirely different in their histologic structure and different in their predisposition to malignant change. A review of standard textbooks and the dermatologic literature reveals that there is considerable confusion on this subject. Too little attention is paid to the classification and significance of these very common skin conditions. Some authors (MacLeod,2Sutton,3Williams,4Pusey,5and Lain6) use these terms synonomously; others7 consider the difference, if any, to be merely an academic question. SENILE KERATOSES By senile keratoses (erroneously called senile keratoma