The pervaporation separation of ethanol–water mixtures was carried out through a series of ionically crosslinked polyacrylic acid (PAA)–Nylon 6‐blended membranes crosslinked to varying degrees in aluminum nitrate solution. The polyacrylic acid (PAA)–Nylon 6 membranes were cast from homogeneous PAA–Nylon 6 mixtures to various thicknesses and then crosslinked. Optimum pervaporation results were obtained from crosslinked blends containing 75 wt% Nylon 6 and 25 wt% PAA. These membranes have separation factors (water/ethanol) of 35–40 at flux rates of 120–160 g/m2 h. The optimum crosslinking time was found to be approximately 35 h to yield membranes with the best separation and flux rates at 25 wt% PAA content.