A series of 68 cases of essential pruritus, kraurosis and leukoplakia of the vulva is presented. Therapy consisted of local application of an estrogenic ointment containing per dose the equivalent of 5000 I.U. of estrone and of parenteral adm. of 10,000 R.U. of estradiol benzoate/inj. The whole course, the scheme of which is outlined, required 12 wks. Evaluation of results shows that in the group of 54 pruritus cases 74% were cured or markedly improved. Of the 6 patients with primary kraurosis and the 8 patients with leukoplakic vulvitis and secondary kraurosis (together 14 cases) 8 were cured or markedly improved. Among the cured was the unique case of a 6-yr.-old child with leukoplakia vulvae and subsequent kraurotic changes. The case history of this patient is given. Three other histories[long dash]1 case of essential pruritus vulvae, 1 of kraurosis vulvae, and 1 of leukoplakia vulvae[long dash]are given. Since the majority of cases of this type occur after the menopause and since a high % of cures is effected by estrogenic therapy, declining ovarian activity must be an important etiologic factor. However, there are other causative factors such as predisposition of. the vulval tissues, familial factors, etc. It is in these instances particularly that estrogenic treatment might fall short of expectations. No method of therapy affords such a great % of cures as does the combined local and parenteral adm. of estrogenic hormone. Every case of essential pruritus vulvae, kraurosis vulvae, and leukoplakic vulvitis should be given the benefit of this type of treatment.