Caractérisation des eaux usées de débordements de réseau unitaire

In 1981, the City of Québec signed a protocol with the Québec Ministry of Environment permitting the study of the impact of combined sewer overflows (CSO) during rain periods on the St-Charles River. One of the main study objectives was to characterize CSO, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Five main drainage basins, representative of the study area, were selected and sampled during nine rain events. Certain appraisals were made to explain the importance of the water quality variations during rain events in combined sewers, dry weather period influence on runoff quality, and "first-flush" phenomenon. Two principal conclusions have been drawn from these data: (1) the major part of the pollutant load routed through a combined sewer network during a rain event is generated by surface runoff and dragging of sewage deposits and (2) the overall water quality of CSO doesn't seem to vary much from one basin to another, even if the percentages associated with different types of land use (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) are different. Key words: urban runoff, combined sewer overflow, rainfall, quality, concentration, load.

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