Environmental Influence on the Tolerance of Corn to Atrazine

Corn(Zea maysL.) in the two to three-leaf stage grown 18 to 21 days in a growth chamber under cold, wet conditions was injured by postemergence application of 2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine (atrazine) plus emulsifiable phytobland oil. Injury was most severe when these plants were kept under cold, wet conditions for 48 hr after the herbicidal spray was applied, followed by exposure to high light intensity and high temperature. Under these growth chamber conditions, approximately 50% of the atrazine-treated plants died. Since wet foliage before and after application increased foliar penetration and low temperature decreased the rate of detoxication to peptide conjugates, atrazine accumulated under cold, wet conditions. This accumulation of foliarly-absorbed atrazine and the “weakened” conditions of the plants grown under the stress conditions is believed to be responsible for the injury to corn. Hydroxylation and the dihydroxybenzoxazin-3-one content in the roots were reduced at low temperature, but it is unlikely that this contributed to the death of the corn.