The cross section for the dissociation reaction H3++H2H2++H+H2 increased by a factor of about 4 when the rf ion-source magnet field was raised. This increase is attributed to H3+ ions in high vibrational states. The energy dependence of the cross section was measured. Excited ions increased from 6 Å2 at 5 keV to 10 Å2 at 50 keV, whereas the normal ions increased from 1.5 to 2.5 Å2 over the same energy range. The companion reaction cross section, for H3+ producing H+, was 0.5 Å2 at 5 keV increasing to 1.6 Å at 35 keV. Cross sections were about 0.25 Å2 higher for excited ions than for normal ions. The cross section for dissociation of H2+ to H+ was about 1.6Å2 from 5 to 45 keV. H5+ was detected; its dissociation to H+ with one-fifth the energy gave a cross section of 3.2 Å2 at 20 keV, independent of source condition. Excited H3+ may be a useful ion for transverse injection into a magnetically confined plasma.