The photochemistry of several m- and p-nitrobenzyl alcohols (1–5) has been studied in aqueous solution. These compounds react via an intramolecular photoredox pathway to give reduced and oxidized moieties of the substituent groups. The reaction is an example of a new type of photoreaction of nitro-substituted aromatic derivatives that is not observed in organic solvents, the presence of water being essential. This effect is exemplified by measuring the quantum efficiency as a function of mol% water in aqueous acetonitrile, methanol, and formamide: the reaction efficiency decreases rapidly as water is depleted in the mixture. Catalytic effects due to the hydronium and hydroxide ions were studied: the para derivatives exhibited hydroxide ion catalysis; the meta derivatives exhibited hydronium ion catalysis. Quantum yields, solvent isotope effects, and α-deuterium isotope effects are reported for the parent derivatives.