Occurrence and distribution of organochlorine residues and metals in sediment, water and fish in the catchment area of lake baiyangdian, china

The occurrence and distribution of metals (Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn), organochlorine residues (HCH, DDT and metabolites, PCBs) and EOC1 (extractable organic bound chlorine) were monitored in 1993 and 1996 in sediment, water and fish in the catchment area of Lake Baiyangdian, China. The levels of the metals, especially Cd and Zn, were significantly higher in the sediment than those in non‐polluted areas. PCBs and chlorinated pesticides constituted only a minor part (< 8.4%) of the extractable organic bound chlorine, indicating the presence of additional, unknown, organochlorine residues. Among the pesticides, DDT was widely distributed and high levels occurred in fish despite a ban of its production and use in 1983. The low quotient of pp‐DDT/pp‐DDE in sediment and fish indicated that the input of DDT to the catchment area was not of recent origin.