Anisotropic resistivity and paraconductivity of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 single crystals

The anisotropic resistivity and paraconductivity of Tl2 Ba2 CaCu2 O8 single crystals were measured. The in-plane and c-axis resistivities are, respectively, ∼7×104 and 101 Ω cm at room temperature. The c-axis resistivity decreases with decreasing temperature in the temperature range from room temperature down to the superconducting transition temperature, and the second derivative of ρc is negative, which is not characteristic of YBa2 Cu3 O7 and Bi2 Sr2.2 Ca0.8 Cu2 O8 single crystals, in which the second derivative is either positive or zero. The in-plane paraconductivity is obtained from the in-plane resistivity, and a method without the critical temperature as an adjustable parameter is employed to obtain the dimensionality. The data show that the superconductivity is two dimensional, but a crossover from two to three dimensions has also been observed near the transition temperature in some samples.