H216O: Line positions and intensities between 8000 and 9500 cm−1: the second hexad of interacting vibrational states: {(050), (130), (031), (210), (111), (012)}

Water vapor Fourier-transform spectra (resolution = 0.010 cm−1) have been analyzed between 8000 and 9500 cm−1. Accurate values of 441 rotational energy levels, belonging to the vibrational states (050), (130), (031), (210), (111), and (012) of the second hexad of H216O, have been determined. Moreover, 500 line intensities have been accurately measured (uncertainty = 6%). To increase the number of experimental intensities (useful for atmospheric applications), we have set up a less sophisticated but faster method; this has led to the measurement of 1200 additional intensities, with an average uncertainty of about 10%.