The oligonucleosomal pattern of DNA fragmentation is the best-characterized biochemical marker of apoptosis and believed to be generated by a, as yet unidentified, Ca2+,Mg2+-dependent endonuclease. All apoptotic cells fragment their genome. However, not every cell type undergoing apoptosis is capable of internucleosomal DNA cleavage. We have analyzed the endonuclease activities and patterns of DNA fragmentation in four established cell lines undergoing apoptosis following serum deprivation, i.e., rat 5123tc hepatoma and PC12 pheochromocytoma, as well as human MCF7 breast and DU145 prostatic carcinoma cells. Whereas apoptotic 5123tc and PC12 cells degraded their DNA into oligonucleosomes, the MCF7 and DU145 cells generated only >50 kilobase pairs (kbp) DNA fragments. However, when isolated nuclei from all four cell lines were incubated with both Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions, their DNA was cleaved into internucleosomal fragments. Following washing with a low ionic strength buffer, the nuclei could only degrade DNA to >50-kbp fragments. DNA ladders were produced again in these washed nuclei after reconstitution with the nuclear wash, which contained an endonucleolytic activity of approximately 97 kilodaltons. These experiments showed that cells maintain separate pools of endonucleolytic activities responsible for the high and low molecular mass DNA fragmentation, and depending on the cell type, one or both enzymatic pools become activated during apoptosis.Key words: chromatin, nucleus, PC12, MCF7, DU145.