Observations sur quelques formes et processus périglaciaires dans le Massif du Chambeyron (Alpes de Haute-Provence)

Summary. — The Chambeyron mountain, in the French South Alps, give a great abundance of actual periglacial phenomena above 2 500 metres without permafrost : patterned grounds as circles, polygons, sorted and non sorted stripes, steps... are characteristic of mantle subject to intensive frost action and frequent freeze - thaw cycles. This study is a common work by our two geomorphological laboratories since several years, chiefly on the gelifluxion phenomena in the upper part of the alpine grass : earth hummocks, solifluction slopes, and, higher up 2 700 metres, large sorted stripes. The observations on these slopes during several years and many analysis in laboratory, allow to propose complementary explanations for these periglacial processes and, perhaps, recent climatic modifications.

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