Hypothesized that if visual memory (for pictures) is searched during recall of picture names, then recall should be organized according to visual similarities. Stimuli were 32 drawings of common objects, drawn so that they clearly fell into 4 shape categories. Stimuli were randomly presented to 45 undergraduates who then gave free recall of the objects' names. Recall was scored for clustering according to the shape categories. 15 additional Ss were presented the written names of the objects, and their free recall, scored according to the shape categories, was used as a control. Experimental Ss clustered by shape during free recall, while control Ss did not. No evidence was found to differentiate the performance of Ss who were led to expect a verbal task (recognition of names) from that of Ss who expected a visual task (recognition of drawings). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved)