7 new-world monkeys, 5 Cebus and 2 spider, were tested on ability to respond correctly to 1 of 2 food cups which each animal had seen baited at some fixed interval before it was permitted to choose. Delays tested ranged from 30 sees, to 300 sees. 5 of the 7 animals were able to delay 2 mins., as measured by the criterion of 75% correct solns. in 50 trials; and 4 of the 7 performed within this criterion for the 5 min. delay. The performance of these animals is not inferior in any way to that of old-world monkeys as reported in other studies. The results secured by other investigators indicating a superiority of old-world monkeys in this situation were due to "differences in temperament or disposition," which are "exaggerated by ''zoo'' conditions and masked under controlled exptl. conditions" of the present study.

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