A modified indirect hemagglutination test for cytomegalovirus antibodies is described in which glutaraldehyde-fixed human O cells, rather than sheep cells, are used. Nonspecific hemagglutination was reduced by use of the optimal tannic acid concentration for each cell batch and the addition of 0.1 M lysine to the phosphate-buffered saline in which the fixed, tanned, sensitized cells were resuspended for use in the test. Three of 349 sera showed nonspecific hemagglutination by this technique. Antigen made by freezing phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.2) over an infected monolayer can be used at dilutions of 1:8 to 1:15. Fixed, tanned, sensitized cells ready for use in the test can be stored in liquid nitrogen for up to 8 months. Use of cryoprotectants and washing after thawing is unnecessary. Simplification of the assay permits one person to screen 300 sera in 1 day or to determine the immune status of a potential donor or recipient in 45 min after the test is set up. The modified assay compares favorably in sensitivity with the complement fixation test and with previously described methods for performing the indirect hemagglutination test.