250 cc. of 0.110 N HC1 together with some dye, glucose, or urea was placed in the stomachs of 59 healthy individuals, 10 cc. withdrawn at 15 min. intervals, and the acidity, neutral chloride and dilution of dye estimated. From these data the chloride and alkali of the diluting gastro-duodenal fluids were calculated. The acidity was reduced mainly by dilution and only slightly by neutralization. The rate of reduction of acidity varied with emptying rate, and inversely as the chloride and alkali concns. in the diluting gastro-duodenal fluids. Duodenal alkali concn. varied from 0 to 0.075 N. From these and other results it is deduced that lower acidity is the result of the regurgita-tion of larger volumes of fluids from the lower duodenum, with more rapid gastric emptying and dilution. Higher acidity results from the opposite set of conditions.

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