Mastophora and the Mastophoreae

Five subfamilies of coralline algae are defined with a key: Corallineae, Mastophoreae, Sporolitheae, Lithothamnieae and Lithophylleae. The Mastophoreae are divided and keyed into 5 genera: Metamastophora, Mastophora, Goniolithon, Lithoporella and Litholepis, Mastophora Decaisne (1842) with the species, M. rosea (C. Ag.) comb. nov., M. rosea f. condensata (Foslie) comb. nov., M. tenuis (Decaisne) Aresch., and M. affinis Foslie and METAMASTOPHORA with the species M. flabellata (Sonder) comb. nov., M. lamourouxii (Dec''ne ex Harvey) comb. nov., M. canaliculata (Harv.) comb. nov., M. stelligera (Endlicher et Diesing) comb. nov. and M. plana (Sonder) comb. nov. are presented with bibliography, synonymy and discussion.

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